Monday, August 26, 2013

Professor Jasper P. Lillyfoot

Years ago I had a conversation with a buddy of mine about the type of books we would write if we were authors. I decided that I would write Sherlock Holmes novels with monsters and robots that would be ridiculous and probably awful. I did a quick sketch of the main character of the novels while we were talking, and it sat in my sketchbook for a few years.

 Eventually I decided to dig it out and do a full blown cover illustration for a book in the imaginary series. So this is the cover to Professor Jasper P. Lillyfoot in The Inexplicable Return of Cthulhu Jr.


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Sounds like fun, looks even better!

Lynda Dietz said...

I'm obsessed with finding out his middle name. Is it, perchance, Percival? Because I think he has the look of someone named Percival.

Dave Armstrong said...

I guess that mystery is solved, Lynda